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This Is Northern New South Wales

Tommy Goes To Tropfest

We’ve all seen this photo floating around online over the last few weeks. We thought we’d get it straight from Tommy how this picture came about …..So here it is from the man himself.

” Yeah well it started to rain the second i said “rain” near the start of my film. Heaven has a sense of humour… We the finalists congregated in one side & all the judges & big time movie stars on another, with live interviews in the middle. I saw them all just chilling, and i wanted to run over and say ello so i did! It was very crowded with someone between Nicole & Tony, before i knew it they must of bailed but i was already crouched saying hello to 10 different cameras…
Kind Nicole made room for me… It would have been nice if this shot i was a little more composed… standing normally…but its not everyday you see all these stars mustered in one area, its usually random walk bys in Byron!? stars love Byron… as they all said.

Its funny this stance im doing? Not sure how many people have seen this already & thought whys he doing that? or… Why isn’t he sanding!? but hey, you cant take yourself too seriously… My sensory section was on overload & all i could seem to say was “HI MUMMY HI” followed closely and oh so sweetly by Nicole… “hello his mum, hello” kodak moment… don’t mind the pun. Tony was all smiles, nodding, Mr Rush’ eyes were elsewhere with Nicole being the only one wanting to engage!

We shared a few words & realising she was even nicer in real life! Honestly, she’s so lovely, i couldn’t help myself but to give her a hug. Splendid:)

Even though “FREE TO BE ME” didn’t get a place in the end with the final 3, it was still an amazing experience & an honour and privilege all meet the people i did and have my film played / sharing my story with so many people… ”