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This Is Northern New South Wales



  Common Ground invited three spirited, eloquent, well-known women in the community to talk about International Women’s Day and what this auspicious day means to them. BELLE BUDDEN ABORIGINAL PROJECTS OFFICER, BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL I would like to pay my respect to my grandmothers, aunties and tiddas –… Read More »INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY

Good people doing good things

The Northern Rivers community has many communities within communities. But one thing I constantly observe is how music, dance and art crosses boundaries, different cultures, breaks down barriers and brings communities within our community together. Through my friend Tom Pickerd, and a chain of big life… Read More »Good people doing good things

Boomerang Festival

Here at Common Ground we are super excited to see the introduction of a new multi-arts event called Boomerang Festival on the Bluesfest site at  Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm for a totally new experience. Taking place in Byron Bay on October 4 – 6, 2013, Boomerang… Read More »Boomerang Festival

The Coraki Art Prize

The Coraki Art Prize and Show will be held on the last weekend in October.  This year’s show – the thirteenth – will be bigger and better than ever, with over $9,000 in prize money on offer, with $2,000 for the ‘best in show’ award.… Read More »The Coraki Art Prize