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This Is Northern New South Wales

Australian Seabird Rescue

“Sam” the Gannet

Monday morning and our friends from Australian Seabird Rescue in Ballina call to say they are releasing “Sam” an injured Gannet from the Skennars Head cliffs at 1pm. Sam had injured legs and has been in care in the seabird rehab centre in Ballina. When he… Read More »“Sam” the Gannet


It doesn’t come as a surprise that Ballina-based animal welfare organisation, Australian Seabird Rescue rescues seabirds… Australian ones. But what isn’t so well known, or advertised, is the incredible work the volunteer team also do in rescuing, nursing, rehabilitating and releasing sea turtles. Passionate and… Read More »TURTLE POWER!


The world is broken. We are polluting, consuming, dredging, deforesting, poisoning and suffocating our poor little planet faster than it can cope with, giving it no chance to regenerate or recuperate. But, dispite this doom-laden introduction, there is hope. Environmental groups are rallying for almost… Read More »TIM SILVERWOOD: TRASH TALK