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This Is Northern New South Wales


Armen Ra

The winner of The Byron Bay International Film Festivals Best Film and Best Documentary was “When my sorrow died”. It is an incredible true story about Theremin virtuoso Armen Ra who was born in Iran, of Persian/Armenian decent. From the moment that Armen Ra walked in… Read More »Armen Ra

BBFF – Opening Night

Last night ‘s opening of the 6th Byron Bay International Film Festival didn’t disappoint. First up the fabulous Garrett Kato performed to an audience that fell in love with him, J’aimee Skippone-Volke, Festival Director welcomed all and introduced the first film of the festival –… Read More »BBFF – Opening Night

A Jack McCoy masterclass

The Byron Bay International Film Festival is seriously stoked that legendary surf filmmaker Jack McCoy will be both screening a sneak preview of his latest film at this year’s festival, and presenting a Masterclass, as part of the official Festival Program. With over 25 award-winning… Read More »A Jack McCoy masterclass

Anyone for Shoplifting?…..

Shoplifting is one of the top picks for this year’s Byron Bay Film Festival starting 2nd of next month …..This 10 minute-masterpiece is by Young Australian filmmaker Neil Triffett. Awarded the most outstanding undergraduate of Victoria College of Arts and Music back in 2010, Neil’s… Read More »Anyone for Shoplifting?…..

BBFF Gala Red Carpet Party!

Although the Byron Bay Film Festival screens strong until Sunday the 13th, they hold the final “Gala Red Carpet Party” and Awards Night on Saturday the 12th (tomorrow night). TheGala event is preceded by our Young Australian Filmmaker session at 4:20pm where all tickets are… Read More »BBFF Gala Red Carpet Party!

Carpark Conversations

Photo : Beck Rocchi How has surf filmmaking changed since it emerged as its own film genre? And, where is it heading to from here? From the early days of scratchy celluloid footage of waves, wax and babes, surf films have come a long way.… Read More »Carpark Conversations