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This Is Northern New South Wales


Photographer – Sarah Lee

From Kona on the Big Island of Hawai’i, Sarah Lee is incessantly glued to her camera viewfinders, dafins, and the sea. Her aim in making photos is to capture and accentuate the beauty in what surrounds her. Photography to Sarah is a mode of visual… Read More »Photographer – Sarah Lee

Artist – Chris Fletcher

Chris Fletcher was born in California in 1966 to a political scientist and a zoologist both of whom were attending Berkley University. “I think I was “unplanned” as my mother gave up her career in Zoology and set about raising me and my older sister.… Read More »Artist – Chris Fletcher

Quest of a Disposable Being

Quest and Misadventure of a Disposable Being Visiting my daughter on Broken Head Rd., I said I’d head back towards town for a coffee. Why not go to Newrybar, she said, and explained how to get there. I sat down in the Harvest cafe, and… Read More »Quest of a Disposable Being

Sunsets and Silhouettes

It’s surely the end of Winter. Golden lights and clear skies are soon to be replaced with a new order of beautiful and the blossoming of Spring. There is also something about darkness. The shadows of watermen. Dodging and catching dragons as they heave towards… Read More »Sunsets and Silhouettes