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This Is Northern New South Wales

harry triglone

Tropical Punch

The Tropical Punch series was shot entirely around byron bay during the amazing summer/autumn part of the year and features the surfing of Byron Bay shredder Josh Sleep. The purpose of this series was to launch Josh’s new website WWW.TROPICALPUNCHBOWL.COM which Josh will be posting his surf/lfe/creative… Read More »Tropical Punch

ESP Board Story – The Vortex

Boards are shaped by shapers, boards are then ridden by surfers, eventually finding their way into a garage, buried by newer and more cherished craft. Occasionally palmed off for a case of beer or a days labour, boards are a commodity among frugal surfers. They… Read More »ESP Board Story – The Vortex

Mr Harry Triglone

Common Ground has recently got to know Mr Harry Triglone, whom moved to the Byron Shires about a year ago, has a passion for filmmaking, and is studying film at SAE. Another passion is doing anything that keeps Harry from being bored, we can understand… Read More »Mr Harry Triglone