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This Is Northern New South Wales



A collection of magazines and newspapers graces the weatherboard wall, thumbed casually by customers awaiting their take-out cappuccinos. A bustle of clientele and unobtrusive staff swirl in orchestrated efficiency like a choreographed flight of starlings. Natural light and the warmth of a morning sun cascade… Read More »HARVEST: REAPING THE REWARDS

Shannon Smerdon – Chef

We all love food. It’s through our taste-buds we find joy, new experiences and travel to far off exotic places… without the airfare. Wizards of food are called Chefs. The Rock Stars of the culinary world. Their stage is the kitchen, welding knives like performing… Read More »Shannon Smerdon – Chef

Quest of a Disposable Being

Quest and Misadventure of a Disposable Being Visiting my daughter on Broken Head Rd., I said I’d head back towards town for a coffee. Why not go to Newrybar, she said, and explained how to get there. I sat down in the Harvest cafe, and… Read More »Quest of a Disposable Being