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This Is Northern New South Wales

art park

Follow The Paper Trail ….

What you may ask is The Paper Trail? A term used in accounting? Boring! An inedible alternative to Hansel and Gretal’s trail of breadcrumbs? Umm, maybe but ….. nope. Answer: A paper-ific exhibition and workshop extravaganza this weekend, May 25-27, for the love papyrus, pulp, pages, and… Read More »Follow The Paper Trail ….


Jeff Raglus requires little introduction. His pop, slash, graphic, slash primitive iconography is instantly recognisable and wonderfully familiar. From his early days airbrushing boards and designing band posters to the 90’s where he worked as a Mambo designer, Jeff has maintained an ongoing passion for the… Read More »Pugnacious…

Beastman live art exhibit

Art Park was pleased to bring Sydney street/gallery artist, Beastman to Byron Bay. During the Friday night event he painted a large mural inside the Art Park Gallery. Spraying completely by eye (no careful measure up!), the piece took 5 hours to complete. The 200+… Read More »Beastman live art exhibit

Joni Sternbach

Joni Sternbach – Watch Video The weather is filled with Grey, which makes one think… A week ago today saw the Byron Bay community farewell Joni Sternbach, a photographer from Brooklyn whom specialised in a process of photography called Wet-Collodion. She was in Byron Bay… Read More »Joni Sternbach

Bringing people together

Nick Chalmers : Byron Bay – Photo : Joni Sternbach When does a photo bring people together? There has been some magic felt here in Byron Bay lately, with a visit from Joni Sternbach, a photographer from Brooklyn in New York. Joni, through her historic… Read More »Bringing people together