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This Is Northern New South Wales


Anna Porter Common Ground

All of us here at Common Ground are delighted to welcome Anna Porter to the team. We are stoked to announce that Anna will be managing Common Ground Byron Bay for us. Her background is in film and television and her heart lays on the coast-… Read More »Anna Porter Common Ground

Celebrate being CSG Free!

  Communities across three Shires unite to celebrate 97% support for CSG free! Three small community formed groups have just finished surveying around 1000 residents covering three Northern Rivers shires (Byron, Lismore and Ballina) and whilst the final results are still being collated the result, at this… Read More »Celebrate being CSG Free!


It’s no secret that the local farmers markets are one of the glues of the community these days. They have evolved from concepts 10 years ago, where people thought they would just be a fad, to thriving weekly events in our communities around the country. They are… Read More »NEW BRIGHTON FARMERS MARKET

Festival of Stoke

With the swell pumping all week everyone was plenty warmed up for the Byron Bay Surf Festival on the weekend. There were obscure board-shapes, lots of beards, Japanese journalists, a couple of leotards, a million smiles and more stoke than you can point an Alaia at.… Read More »Festival of Stoke


All images with thanks to Amber Melody

Sunsets and Silhouettes

It’s surely the end of Winter. Golden lights and clear skies are soon to be replaced with a new order of beautiful and the blossoming of Spring. There is also something about darkness. The shadows of watermen. Dodging and catching dragons as they heave towards… Read More »Sunsets and Silhouettes

The Prawns New Home…

The Big Prawn is now sitting atop its new home at the West Ballina Bunnings Warehouse site. The prawn was built in 1989, and on Tuesday of this week, two cranes lifted the 33-tonne, 6m by 9m crustacean from its previous home and shuffled it… Read More »The Prawns New Home…

Whales of the Bay

If you were out and about yesterday in Byron Bay, you would of been lucky enough to see Whales playing and breaching. These amazing pics were taken by local photographer Craig Parry – Might be more of the same today so keep those eyes peeled!… Read More »Whales of the Bay

Coloured Shoreline

Often ones thoughts get lost in whitewash. Walking along the edge of the sea. The crashes of water. Lovemaking with the shallow depths. You eyes see the intricate details of white and blue, to the humbling power of the sea as you lift your head.… Read More »Coloured Shoreline