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This Is Northern New South Wales

daniel ridgley hewitt

Feeling an early morning surf?

Whether it be sharing with your mates or taking some sacred time for yourself, nothing quite compares to an early morning surf… Cleansing Salty Water Timeless moments between waves Separation from the achieving mind Connectedness unable to be spoken Lightning surges of energy Instant karma… Read More »Feeling an early morning surf?

Finding Inspiration

5.30am. My alarm goes off and realize I’ve organized to shoot the sunrise with a friend. Slowly, I challenge myself to get out of bed in the dark, dress, grab my gear and make my way to the car. All the while hoping it’s gonna… Read More »Finding Inspiration

A Whale Tale

Recently we went on an unforgettable adventure experiencing a whales life as they migrate up and down the east coast. The trip started with strong northerly winds, slamming waves and churning stomachs as we motored 28 hours north to Hervey Bay. The oncoming swell, constant… Read More »A Whale Tale

Spring Beginnings…

A beautiful time of spring fresh air and clear skies. I wanted to capture the local beaches during the sunrise with my Zeiss 50mm at a low perspective to emphasise what it feels like to be at these beautiful locations in the Byron Shire. I… Read More »Spring Beginnings…