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This Is Northern New South Wales

Byron shire

People to know – Viv Fantin

  As a child, Viv grew up in the wild, wild west of Sydney, the first daughter of two Italian immigrants. She has lived in Bangalow for almost 10 years now. Before that, in different spots around the inner west of Sydney. Viv admits, to being in… Read More »People to know – Viv Fantin


Bins – not exactly the sexiest or most rock n’ roll subject we have been broached here within the annals of Common Ground. But, though no star-studded celebrity may be behind the tale or immaculate imagery portray the topic, the Byron Shire Council’s recent organics… Read More »THE UPCYCLING SHIRE

Anna Porter Common Ground

All of us here at Common Ground are delighted to welcome Anna Porter to the team. We are stoked to announce that Anna will be managing Common Ground Byron Bay for us. Her background is in film and television and her heart lays on the coast-… Read More »Anna Porter Common Ground


It’s no secret that the local farmers markets are one of the glues of the community these days. They have evolved from concepts 10 years ago, where people thought they would just be a fad, to thriving weekly events in our communities around the country. They are… Read More »NEW BRIGHTON FARMERS MARKET

Hinterland Drive

We are often drawn to the beaches of the Byron Shire, but do yourself a favour and take a moment to explore the Shire hinterland… Only 5 minutes from the coast you will be taken into another world. Its green, clean and refreshing and there… Read More »Hinterland Drive

Artist | Hobie Porter

Follow the clouds to Mount Warning, take a right across a low wooden bridge still draped in the remnants of the last flood and head into a lost valley. More creek crossings, narrow bridges… rolling hills closing out into vertical jungle. In this elemental, primal… Read More »Artist | Hobie Porter

Shabby Chic in the Hinterland

Inside the cottages and the antique shops, the walls are white, the couches off-white, scatter rugs, antique-style lamps, splashes of glorious colour combined with pastel gentleness. Furniture wooden, painted, but gracefully worn through in patches. Beyond the cottage lies a shabby chic countryside, snow gum… Read More »Shabby Chic in the Hinterland